Is ‘Suicide Awareness’ a Force For Good?

We are fortunate that we’re increasing our understanding of human psychology with each passing generation. While decades ago, we may have struggled with deep topics surrounding psychological distress, it’s wonderful that we live in increasingly enlightened times....

Are you Too Empathetic For Your Own Good?

In our last blog post, we asked what the consequences were for someone who has too much empathy?  Here’s a quick recap of some of the serious health risks: Mental Health Problems Depression and Anxiety Physical Complications Heart Disease High Blood Pressure...

5 Negative Results from the Effects of Too Much Empathy

Is there such a thing as too much empathy? It’s true that too much of anything can be a bad thing, even something that seems like such a good thing. Below are five examples of people that suffer from the negative effects of too much empathy: Codependent Personality A...

Empathy Balancing Techniques

“Empaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.”          – Anthon St. Maarten, Author of Divine Living Choose Balanced Empathy Is your empathic lifestyle out...

Connection: It’s Good For The Soul

I grew up in Florida during the ’80s and ’90s. Every year, during hurricane season, our TVs were usually tuned into the Weather Channel where we’d spend hours mindlessly watching the devastation unfold.As smartphones and social media emerged, the same screen addiction...

The Battle For Your Mind

Within our daily lives, regardless of what good or bad things actually happened to us that day, there may still be influences which can cause our mood, attitude or even how empathic we choose to be that day. Outrage Porn Referring to any type of influence or tactic by...